Perma-Grin Face masks: We can't stop smiling, Literally.

SNO-GO- Perma-Grin Masks-9

We've heard so many stories about people telling us that they can't stop smiling when riding a SNO-GO.  When we realized we won't get to experience everyone's smiling faces with resorts doubling down on face mask policies this season, we knew there was only one solution. Introducing the SNO-GO Perma-Grin Face Mask

We cannot stop laughing when we put these on. Spread the fun, the laughter, and the love of SNO-GO this season by wearing a perma-grin, on the slopes, in the lodge, and waiting in lines. You're bound to make some new friends! Social distancing has never been so entertaining.





Topics: Adventure Escape, Family Fun, Apparel

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